MAY 2023
It’s our turn to light the way forward.
Last October, we celebrated the public launch of the Together We Shine campaign. This comprehensive campaign will fund the renovation of the Upton Street building to serve as the future site of the Upper School and other all-School spaces, double our endowment to broaden access to a Sidwell Friends education, and support programs to deepen our students’ ethical engagement with the world.
This $152 million comprehensive campaign is the largest in our 140-year history.
We are thrilled to tell you that we have raised an unprecedented $133 million in cash and pledges to-date—88 percent of the goal. This initial success includes contributions toward our endowment and the cumulative support of The Sidwell Friends Fund since July 2015. The campaign is scheduled to conclude
in June 2024.
Friends from across the country are coming together to celebrate the mission of Sidwell Friends. This is our moment to shape the School we love and magnify the impact it has on students today and for decades to come.
There have been other pivotal moments in the School’s history when our community has stepped forward to build and support Sidwell Friends for the benefit of the next generation. Now it is our turn.
Together We Shine is a historic first step toward unifying our campus and transforming the way our students learn and the way our faculty teach. The purchase and renovation costs of the Upton Street campus total $100 million, of which $80 million has been pledged from thousands of generous donors.
We invite you to consider a multi-year commitment to ensure we raise the remaining $20 million required to begin renovations and achieve our goal in a timely fashion.
Campaign & Project Timeline
The new Upper School is expected to open in September 2026, contingent on meeting the fundraising goals and receiving 85 percent cash-on-hand. The architectural design is led by Perkins Eastman, and the renovation is expected to last 18 months. In an inflationary environment, every delay adds to the cost.