Guided by Thomas Sidwell’s vision to educate each child to think independently and act ethically, we strive to discern deeper truths about ourselves and our common humanity, preparing students to let their lives speak. So that they can become ethical leaders for the greater good, we will inspire our students to examine how they can exemplify these values while at Sidwell Friends and in the lives they build for themselves.
Acting on our Quaker values of simplicity and environmental stewardship, we are creating a new Upper School by repurposing the Upton Street property, using reclaimed materials, tapping renewable energy, and restoring some of the original ecosystem.
We will help faculty and students frame and explore ethics in the Quaker tradition; facilitate conversations that connect academic study to social challenges and opportunities; and encourage action through new programs. The new center will empower ethical leadership and agency in our students through community engagement, internships, and entrepreneurship.
The first Howard-Sidwell LEAD (Leadership in Equity, Action, & Discourse) Conference in 2022 brought together educators to evaluate intersections of race, equity, education and workforce preparation. Future initiatives will explore Quakerism and interfaith dialogues, as create new student programming.
We are changing the campus significantly for young people. It’s a big opportunity and responsibility. I love that in a throwaway culture we are using the existing footprint and reclaimed materials, weaving together stewardship, ethics, and the environment.
In a highly interconnected world, future leaders will need a deep understanding and appreciation of cultural difference. This means society, and educators in particular, must nurture ethical leaders who embrace discussions of race and equity—and who do not retreat into ideological comfort zones. This was the thesis behind this summer’s Leadership in Equity, Action, and Discourse (LEAD) Conference—the latest feature of a partnership between Sidwell Friends School and Howard University that focuses on elevating conversations about race and equity in education.
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